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"Steel Magnolias"

April 26-28, 2007
Deep River Legion

written by Robert Harling
directed by Marjorie Alburger

"Steel Mags Song" by Phyllis Heeney (from cast party)

Steel Mags Song

(To the tune of the Brady Bunch)

Here's a story, of a lovely lady
Who was directing 6 very lovely girls
All of them had 80s hair and clothing
The mother with a football helmet of curls

Here's a story, of a guy named Ike
Who was helping out as much as he could
He got us playing games and singing opera
At least those of us that would

Here's a story, of a gal named Wendy
Who had no idea what a stage manager did
But she learned really quick how to do it
And occasionally she even flipped her lid

Andy and Liz decided to be producers
When no one else could be found
Jer advertised 'til we were almost sold out
Jim was the DJ with the southern sound

Janice and Carol made sure we wore the right clothes.
Heather fussed and fussed over our doos
Rita made the set look really pretty
And Janet covered our faces with that yucky goo.

Erin was the prompter who would save us
Sarah always did just what she should
Pat delicately hung the silk screens
Judy put in curlers as well as a sick woman could.

Carol sold the tickets, Karen made the programs
Terry really went the extra mile
Mike was there making the dog bark
And Anne made sure that the chairs had an aisle.

Somehow all these people got together
And we knew that it would be great just because
We had all learned to really love each other
And we became the Steel Magnolias
Magnolias, magnolias
That's the way we all became Magnolias.