![]() from The North Renfrew Times, 2020 March 4:
Show celebrates 75th anniversary of Deep River, ZEEPBY VICKY CHARBONNEAU
It's all coming together as final rehearsals take place for "The Sound of Neutrons," a home-grown musical comedy presented by the Deep River Players on March 12, 13, 26, 27, and 28. As one might suspect, the show is loosely based on "The Sound of Music" but with a local twist: meet "MJ" (Nicole Lebel), a female physicist who settles for a nanny assignment when she can't get hired as a professional at "the Plant." She has other plans up her labcoat sleeve, however, and may have something to say about the new ZEEP reactor - which "the guys" are desperate to finish in order to satisfy the Honourable CD Howe himself (Greg Merrill). But is she falling in love with physicist Jack (Gord Burton), the widowed father of the seven children in her care? It's all part of the intrigue and fun as "The Sound of Neutrons" helps Deep River celebrate its 75th anniversary this year, plus the 75th anniversary of ZEEP - the "little reactor that could" that made Canada the second country to master nuclear energy in 1945. It's also all part of the creative mind of Phyllis Heeney, who wrote and directs "The Sound of Neutrons" out of a love for the upper Ottawa Valley and its stories (for example, the character of "MJ" is based on a real person). "I've always found it amazing how so many newcomers from all over the world suddenly moved in amongst well-established families in the area," she says. "And they made Deep River one of the top science locations in the world." Fishin' and fission, you might say. It's a theme Heeney explored before with past Players musicals: "West Wylie Story" (2005), "Murder at the Byeways" (2006), and "The Good, the Bad, and the Nerdy" (2008). Like those memorable productions, "The Sound of Neutrons" involves a massive local cast (over 50 actors) of all ages, catchy numbers that borrow from many musical sources (not just the Julie Andrews classic), and enough jokes, puns and local references to make you groan, smile, and tap your feet at the same time. As always, musical accompaniment is provided by topnotch local talent, this time around under the baton of Gord Tapp, who last helmed the Players' pit orchestra for 2012's "Chicago." Tickets for the show are available online at DeepRiverPlayers.ca and at the Olive Tree, and at the door (if there are any left). Included with the Opening Night ticket for March 12 is admission to a special reception after the show, catered by Maven Catering and partly sponsored by the town of Deep River.