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"Murder at the Byeways"

March 2006
Deep River Legion

"Ode to Phyllis"

(by Anne Davies)

I started to write Ode to Phyllis, take two
But last night at the Long Shots I heard that it's true
That though it's entertaining to use couplets that rhyme
Making parody to music, now that is sublime


A    she's an Actor,
B    she Builds sets and stage,
C    she helps find Costumes, props and ties,
D    she's Director and
E    she is Everywhere
F    serving Food out on the side,
G    Gossip gets a smile,
H    Heart and soul with style,
I    she writes us notes she's Itemized,
J    she Jumps into help,
K    Kicks and counts to help,
L    she even Laughs at her own Lines,
M,N,O,P    Man, you are Number One Pearl,
Q,R,S,T    Thanks for the fantasmagorical fun,
U     Unites the geeks and freaks,
V    supports the V-Monogue weeks,
W,X,Y,Z    Phyllis wrote the prose about ole what's her nose,

West Wylie tales never will be dead,
Where does she get the names and all the actor's games,
The Byeways walls must talk inside her head!

(sung to the tune of the Ladies' Alphabet Song)