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"Murder at the Byeways"

March 2006
Deep River Legion

Article featuring Phyllis Heeney

(published in the North Renfrew Times, 2006 Feb. 15)

She's at it again.

When the Deep River Players present "Murder at the Byeways" at the Deep River Legion next month, it will be the second time in under a year that writer/director Phyllis Heeney sees her characters and vision portrayed on stage.

Last Spring the Players celebrated local history with the successful musical "West Wylie Story".

It wasn't long before Phyllis found herself writing a sequel.

"I missed the West Wylie family, I missed my characters", she says.

"I came up with so many funny things for them to say or do, I just needed to write another play."

Wary of treading old ground however, Phyllis wanted a story that stands on its own in a completely different genre.

"People will understand it fully (although they may miss a couple jokes) even if they didn't go to West Wylie," she assures.

The new "genre" is murder-mystery dinner-theatre, in more intimate surroundings with a four-course meal and a bar.

"It's going to be fun because the Legion will be decorated like a 1940's wedding reception and everyone will be made to feel like Reg and Dolores' wedding guests."

"West Wylie" fans will recall Reginald and Dolores as the lovebirds who created a culture shock of "West Side Story" proportions (or "Romeo and Juliet", coincidentally also presented by the Players last year).

For Phyllis the theme has always been the bridging of cultures: the mixing of local and scientist (many immigrant) families that's made this such unique and vibrant area for the last 60 years.

Phyllis herself finds herself immersed in both cultures, and a conversation with the AECL engineer certainly leads to no pigeon holes.

"Most rehearsals get me laughing so hard I nearly pee my pants. The actors are hilarious."

Most of the actors and backstage crew from "West Wylie" are back, which Phyllis feels is the "best compliment" she could receive.

She's also pleased to work with new people, and to be able to advance the story - such as having the lab's new director, W.B. Lois take over from Dr. Cockcrow (it's now June 1947).

Phyllis hopes the audience will enjoy solving the murder, while humming along to the many new songs written especially for the show.

"Having Dan and Jane Vachon writing the music and lyrics is amazing," Phyllis gushes.

"The tunes are so stinking catchy that I catch myself and others singing them all over the place."

"Murder at the Byeways" runs at the Deep River Legion on March 3, 5, 8-11, with advance tickets ($28 for show + meal) selling out fast at the LoonsNest in Deep River, and Country Meats in Chalk River.

Those missing the chance to buy tickets have the option of attending the dress rehearsal on March 2 for $5 (at the door only).